Adult Multi-Sport Social - $95

This 4-week program is a fun way for adults to socialize and get some exercise! It is open to recreational athletes who are positive and non-competitive.

Our staff will teach the basic technique for a sport at the beginning of the session, then rotate players through the game so everyone gets a chance to play. Sports we focus on are: dodgeball, paddle smash, basketball (3x3 small court), pickleball and padel.

All equipment is provided. Participants must wear indoor running shoes and comfortable athletic clothing (ie shorts and t-shirt). There is a maximum of 6 participants with 1 instructor and each class is 1.5 hours.


view fall dates and times


Mens 2x2 Basketball - $125

This 8-week program features weekly games of 2x2 basketball, which is a variation of basketball played two-a-side with one backboard and in a half-court setup.


This program is open to all levels, however, players should have some prior experience with the essential skills of basketball: running, dribbling, passing and shooting. We provide one referee to facilitate the game and assist with substitutions if more than 4 players are present for a game.


All equipment is provided. Participants must wear indoor running shoes and comfortable athletic clothing (ie shorts and t-shirt). There is a maximum of 6 participants and each game is 1 hour.


view fall dates and times