Rookie Sports - $185

This 8-week program introduces the fundamental skills required to play sports: running, jumping, throwing, catching and striking an object. Our youngest participants use modified equipment to learn these skills before progressing into sport-specific equipment (ie hitting a balloon with a pool noodle to simulate baseball before trying with a baseball bat and ball). All other participants will use age-appropriate equipment. Simplified game play is a major component of this program to ensure the kids have fun while learning each sport.

All equipment is provided. One adult must participate with each child in this program.  Participants must wear indoor running shoes and comfortable athletic clothing (ie shorts and t-shirt). There is a maximum of 10 participants with 2 instructors and each class is 40 minutes.


 view Fall dates and times


Learn to Play Soccer - $185

This 8-week program introduces the fundamental skills required to play soccer: running, balance, agility, dribbling and kicking. Simplified game play is a major component of this program to ensure the kids have fun while learning to play soccer.


One adult is required to participate with each child.

All equipment is provided. Participants must wear indoor running shoes and comfortable athletic clothing (ie shorts and t-shirt). There is a maximum of 10 participants with 2 instructors and each class is 40 minutes.


view fall dates and times